About Therapy
At various times in our lives, we may feel challenged by circumstances such as redundancy, divorce, illness, family issues, parenting issues, adolescent issues, childhood issues, anger, depression and major life transitions. During these times, you may find it difficult to cope. Counselling can offer support in a confidential, secure, and non-judgmental environment. Counselling gives you the opportunity to talk through your issues and help to release painful feelings. Counselling can allow problematic life situations to be explored, considered, and re-evaluated so that you can regain control and get more enjoyment out of life.
Sessions are one hour in duration, this is your time to talk about your what is bothering you in a safe environment where you will be listened to, validated, acknowledged and honored, this allows you the time and space to achieve greater understanding, self acceptance etc.
Therapy does not involve me giving advice but it does involve me providing the space and environment for exploration and a chance to look in depth at any issues which have been causing you problems, in this way you are in complete control of your sessions and have the chance to make any changes you so wish.